Monday, June 7, 2010


Mayabazar is an all time classic in Black & White and 35mm format. Colorization is fair enough but, conversion to cinema scope is bad. The whole picture is not visible and at times, the frame has to be moved up or down to keep the focus on the actors.

The pure creative brilliance of that good old movie is completely lost in this remix version. If you ever observed hard enough, the frame in which Ghatothkacha lands on a hill to start Ariel fight with Abhimanyu, there is a small stone that falls off depicting the weight of Ghatothkacha. This is achieved through whatever technology that is existing that time and shows the perfection given to the minute detail. Unfortunately, that whole effect is lost after cinema scope.

Overall, I need to buy a DVD of the old movie, before the market is flooded with the color thing.

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