Saturday, June 28, 2008

V for Vendetta

Saw this movie last night. i just could not believe my eyes all through the movie. What a masterly work by the Wachowski brothers!! Who will believe that these are the same guys who directed The Matrix.

"People should not be afraid of the Government..Government should be afraid of its people."

We are living in a world of Democracy.. Government for the people,by the people and to the people. But is it practically happening. Remember the USA funding Afghan civil war by supplying arms and today fighting the same nation.

A change must come to the society and if has to come through force, so it will be one day. But a change comes only if every individual incorporates the change in his ideas and ideologies. This is perfectly shown on the screen.

You can kill a person but not an idea.

I strongly recommend this movie for people with brain.

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