Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wake up Sid

There are many movies in the past which told us the "Coming of Age" story. Malena is the best in this genre and Lakshya is on par from the Indian block. Every story is essentially the same, only the way it is told is different.

Wake up Sid is an old wine in a new bottle. A spoilt rich brat and his discovering himself and love in the due course is the story. But, the acting has given its an edge. The viewer will feel for Sid and hate him at the same time. We wish for his success as much as he wishes for that. Ranbir is aptly cast for the role.

Konkana Sen Sharma was miscast for the role. But her acting was world class.

And lastly, Bombay needs a special mention here. This movie is like big advertisement for the life of an average Mumbaikar. If you live or ever lived in Bombay, you will be astonished by the authenticity of the detail.

Rating: 4/5

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons has partially lived up to the expectations and hype that it has created among the movie going community in last one year’s time. It started on a high note and maintained the pace well enough to keep the viewer on the edge of the seat, till the last 20 minutes. Director Ron Howard missed it in the last 20 minutes and you have that odd after-taste once the movie is finished.

The movie started with the death of the Pope and is followed by the theft of a canister containing Anti-matter. From there, a Harvard symbologist, Robert Langdon takes over. The story is well written by Dan Brown, which never lost the attention of the reader in its novel form. Akiva Goldsman did a fine job in adapting the story as a screenplay. There was enough of wit thrown in extremely fast paced story making sure that you will not get bored.

The good point that is to be noted is Ron Howard has learnt from his past mistakes of adapting the Dan Brown novels. Davinci Code was a slow paced movie and it really never kept the viewer riveted to the plot. Also, in trying to stick to the novel, it made fun of itself at points. But, Angels & Demons has lot of deviations from the original novel which resulted in a better movie. Actually, Davinci Code was a failure as a movie. You will enjoy the movie only if you have already read the book. But, A&D can be enjoyed by people who haven’t read the book also.

Go watch the movie, if you like fast paced thrillers with a plot twist at the end.